AFD members must be loyal to all AFD Policies, as well as follow Server Rules
If there is an obvious indication that the person you're trying to help is going to get shot again (such as when a hostile player is near the person), don't revive/narcan them. Use some decency and decide if the person has a window of opportunity to escape the situation rather than just get shot right away.
Any AFD equipment must only be used by AFD Members, you may not share anything with anyone not on-duty as an AFD Member
You must remain in character and roleplay with other players, failure to do so will result in disciplinary action
Be respectful to fellow AFD Members, Police Officers, and Civilians
Do not use profanity or harass anyone
Do not bribe, lie, cheat, or steal
Don't go AFK on medic
Section 2: TeamSpeak and Discord
All AFD Members must be in the AFD specific TeamSpeak channels while on-duty
Your in-game name and TeamSpeak name must match so you can be identified
Off-duty AFD Members below the rank of Paramedic are restricted from joining medic TeamSpeak channels
Paramedics+ are not allowed to enter police higherup channels at all (unless you’re a retired higherup). Have a SGT+ give you permission before joining their channels.
Police ranks should never be given out by an AFD higherup.
Section 3: Federal Events and Redeploying
Medics at federal events are allowed to help the other side (rebel/cop) if their primary side becomes hostile to them. You may not switch sides if your gang/affiliates are doing the event. If you switch sides, you may not switch back for the remainder of the event
Medics are not required to respond to federal events, you do so at your own risk. Only 2 medics are allowed to attend a federal event. 1 medic is assigned to cops and 1 assigned to rebels. If you are attending the event alone, you can choose either side to help. You must also be in the incident command channel (teamspeak) in order to attend.
During a federal event an EMT+ who has decided to assist the APD may join the corresponding APD Federal Event channel in order to assist, EMT+ CANNOT join police channels if they are gang affiliated to the rebels. The EMT+ may still choose to assist the APD without joining their channel. See forums policy update 12/24/2022 for more info.
AFD members are allowed to redeploy for any federal event or to go back to their original cities.
Medics can now redeploy when there are more than 5 medics on instead of being restricted after there are 5+ medics on.
Medics can redeploy to a nearby city if they are going to respond to a 311 or revive request that is nearby a redeployable city. (example; there are 3 medics in Kavala, 4 in Athira and none in Pyrgos where revives are at peak compared to the other cities. The medic(s) can redeploy to assist those in need as quickly and efficiently as possible, despite there being over 6 medics on.)
Section 4: Exploiting/Glitching/Bugged Players
If a player is exploiting, glitching, or bugged this is the only time you are allowed to break Roleplay and inform the player of the issue
If a player appears to be exploiting,glitching, or using bugs on purpose (ie: to give themselves a gameplay advantage), please report them as you normally would here
Section 5: Response
For single medic requests, the first AFD member to arrive on scene is entitled to the revive. For a multiple casualty incidents, try to divide up the work among yourselves.
While on duty as a medic you have a duty to act and must make an attempt to revive any civilians or police. The only exceptions to your duty to act is if your scene is unsafe, whether a civilian will be shot again instantly or a civilian, cop, or rebel is being hostile towards you (actively shooting or kidnapping AFD personnel).
Section 6: Flight Medics
Do not hover around populated areas just to be annoying. Either land or fly away.
Do not land in the middle of a road. If your helicopter gets damaged/destroyed, it will be your fault.
Section 7: House Repair
AFD Medics may respond to house repairs upon requests.
In the event the APD blew up the house, AFD medics must wait until APD has completed their search warrant before any attempt to rebuild the house.
AFD medics may not rebuild a gangmates house, or their gang house.
Medics may not rebuild homes owned by affiliated members.
Medics are not allowed to repair their own house.
Section 8: House Entry
Paramedic + only Ability
Medical Requests ONLY (From within the house you are making entry)
When making entry to revive someone, the Paramedic + should announce who they are and that they are making entry to render medical aid.
Paramedics+ are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that their entry will not allow anybody else to enter. If civilians and/or cops are near the doors, do not enter.
Paramedics can unlock the house to leave if they are trapped/kidnapped or if another medic is trapped. Make sure not to let ANYONE on the house when you leave