Gaming Asylum Wiki

Playtime and Activity Requirements


The Chief is the leader of the Fire Department/EMS. The person with this rank will have the absolute final say in all decisions regarding medical policy and procedures. The Chief has the authority to place any policy/procedure he wants as well as veto any suggestion in its entirety. The Chief will handle Internal Affair reports on the Assistant Chief(s). No activity or playtime requirements exist for the Chief.

Assistant Chief(s)

Assistant Chief(s) are the highest rank in the AFD aside from the Chief. The Assistant Chief(s) are the policy creators and make procedures. They are the people that assist the Chief and resolve issues in the Chief's absence. The Assistant Chief(s) has the responsibility on overseeing the AFD. The Assistant Chief(s) will handle any Internal Affairs report on Paramedics, they also have the authority to handle any Internal Affair below the rank of Paramedic if they deem it necessary. No activity or playtime requirements exist for the Assistant Chief(s).


Interviews 5
Total Activities Required 10

Paramedic staff must do 10 activities. At least 5 interviews a month and must play 10 hours in game as medic. This is subject to change as the chiefs see needed.

Paramedic activities:

  • Internal Affairs reports EMR/A-EMT
  • Interviews
  • New Medic Applications
  • Disciplinary Action/Verbal
  • Promotions
  • Firefighter Interviews


Currently Firefighters are required to play 3 hours per month.

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician(s)

A-EMT(s) Must have 5 hours in game play time every 30 days. Active APD Staff, we will count your civilian time, but we ask you to try and play medic when you can. This is subject to change as the chiefs see needed.

Emergency Medical Technician(s)

Have a playtime requirement of 5 hours every 90 days.

Emergency Medical Responder(s)

Currently EMR(s) do not have any Playtime Requirements. However if you fail to play medic for 4 months you may be removed from the AFD at the staffs discretion. This is subject to change as the chiefs see needed.

Inactivity Reinstatement

Members of the AFD staff that fall into inactive status will have their application marked as inactive, in good standing (if they have no points on their record at time of departure), and will have their whitelist status removed (not marked as blacklist.) When returning, inactive staff may submit a new application for review.

Reinstatement only applies to members of the AFD that were inactive. It does not apply to members who left due to disciplinary matters or not in good standing. (If the applicant has points on their record at time of departure, they are not considering having left "in good standing".) If there are questions as to the eligibility of an application, review it with the Chief.

Returning members may not be promoted at a rank higher than they left.
