Gaming Asylum Wiki


Roleplay within the AFD is a must. You are free to create your own persona, however you must follow the Server Rules and have proper etiquette when you are on-duty as an AFD Medical Provider. Failure to roleplay will be met with severe disciplinary actions. The main guideline is to RP in a manner that is enjoyable for yourself and others. EMS members should not be toxic or generally unpleasant. Never go out of your way to ruin somebody else’s experience.

Section 1: Vehicles, and Equipment

  1. AFD vehicles are an important tool that can be utilized to make life easier for the Members of the AFD.
  2. When using a ground unit, you are only permitted to use lights and sirens en route to a dispatch.
  3. While flying an air vehicle for the AFD, you must have collision lights on at all times, the lights and sirens are again only permitted when en route to a dispatch.AFD personnel are exempt from collision light/lights and sirens when entering a hostile (illegal area) to avoid drawing attention that can be harmful or lethal.
  4. It is suggested that earplugs are used within AFD air vehicles and set to at least 20%, this is not a requirement simply a recommendation.

Section 2: Here are some examples of misuse of AFD vehicles/Equipment

Here are some examples of misuse of AFD vehicles/Equipment:

  1. The use of AFD equipment and vehicles above your rank is now prohibited without the permission of a Paramedic+. EMRs-AEMTs are prohibited from driving Striders unless a Paramedic+ is in it.
  2. AFD members are prohibited from driving civilian and police vehicles.
  3. Blatant misuse of vehicles include blocking off roads and pulling multiple at a time when not necessary. As well, don’t use your sirens and horns unless you’re going to a medic request.
  4. Misuse of vehicles also includes giving it away to people other than AFD members. You should never allow other factions to take your vehicle.
  5. Never use your vehicle to transport people into or out of combat. Transporting between passive areas is fine.
  6. Never use your AFD vehicles to assist with crimes (drug transport, weapons trafficking, etc.)

Section 3: Hunter (A-EMT+)

  1. Hunters can only be operated by medics ranked A-EMT+. Limit 2 Hunters per city.
  2. The Hunter’s purpose is to provide a higher level of protection when responding to hostile situations.
  3. They are NOT to be used in an offensive manner, i.e. to ram other armor. Doing so is strictly prohibited.
  4. You are allowed to permit anyone below A-EMT to operate hunters if you remain in the area.
  5. Hunters may be given to lower ranks only during federal events (The A-EMT will be responsible for them and the vehicle)
  6. Hunters are only for DEFENSIVE USE, you CANNOT RAM OTHER ARMOR
  7. Asst Chief+ Can give Hunters and Striders to lower ranked medics at their discretion.

Section 4: Strider (PARAMEDIC+)

  1. Striders can only be operated by medics ranked Paramedic+. Limit 2 striders per city.
  2. Paramedics are allowed to permit anyone below paramedic to operator striders so long as they remain in the area.
  3. Striders may be given to lower ranks only during federal events (The paramedic will be responsible for them and the vehicle)
  4. Asst Chief+ Can give Hunters and Striders to lower ranked medics at their discretion.
  5. Striders are only for DEFENSIVE USE, you CANNOT RAM OTHER ARMOR

Section 5: Taru (Sling-load version)(PARAMEDIC+)

  1. Medics ranked Paramedic+ now have access to the standard Taru helicopter
  2. Medics are NEVER allowed to sling load a vehicle unless they have permission from the owner/driver.
  3. Medics may NEVER sling load an illegal vehicle.
  4. Following standard policy, medics may NEVER lift any civilian or cop vehicles into or out of combat areas. This includes transporting police to an HQ so that they may respond to a federal event faster/transporting civilians to rebel so they can gear faster.
  5. Tarus may be used to lift other MEDIC vehicles into combat areas so long as existing policy is still being followed regarding federal events and illegal areas.
  6. If another medic wishes to fly a Taru, the paramedic must remain in the helicopter with them at all times.

Section 6: Traffic Objects

  1. Only 5 traffic objects can be used per situation. Anything added afterwards will be considered misuse of AFD equipment to avoid excessive use of the objects. Please be mindful of how you use the objects to avoid hindering other players’ game play too much.
  2. Never use barricades to block of a road or passageway completely. The use of place able objects at federal events, cartels, and illegal areas is prohibited. Objects should never be placed in combat.

Section 7: Kidnapping

  1. If an AFD member is kidnapped, they are only able to drop UNARMORED gear and medical equipment per kidnapper demands. Dropping any armored items is completely prohibited.
  2. You are never allowed to give gang mates/ affiliates/ friends any AFD gear, even if they kidnap you. Severe discipline action will be taken against those found doing so. If you are kidnapped by your friends and taken to a Federal event you are not allowed to heal or revive anyone. You may not be kidnapped by friends and be a pocket medic.

Section 8: DOAs

  1. Medics are not allowed to loot illegal items from a dead body, you may not pick up illegal explosives or contraband. If illegal contraband was discovered, leave it alone or report it to the police. If a speed bomb is reported on your car you must take it out of the populated area. Giving civilians contraband items will result in diciplinary action.