Gaming Asylum Wiki

Use of Force (Deadly Force, Flashbangs, Spike Strips)

Officers are expected to always have less-than-lethal ammunition (a.k.a. rubber bullets or downing rounds) loaded when on patrol.

The use of lethal force is justified when:

  1. Ordered by the highest ranking officer at the scene that is Sergeant or higher.
  2. If only Corporals or Constables are on scene, then they must seek permission to go lethal from the highest ranking SGT+ who is on the server.
  3. If no SGT+ is on the server, then the Constables and Corporals on scene must take a unanimous vote to go lethal
  4. To kill the gunner of a .50 cal offroad, armed Jeep, and armed Qilin.
  5. To kill gunners that are on the benches of a Hummingbird Helicopter or in the back of an Offroad/Prowler/Quilin if the gunners are actively firing on officers.
  6. To kill a suspect that is in an unreachable location. Locked houses are not deemed as unreachable.

The use of Flashbangs:

  1. Flashbang grenades may only be used by the rank of Constable or higher.
  2. Flashbang grenades must only be used for combat situations. They may never be used for civilian crowd control or fun.
  3. Flashbang grenades may never be used to intentionally disable or destroy a vehicle.

The use of Spike Strips:

  1. Spikestrips can be placed by cops of any rank in order to take out a suspect's tires.
  2. Use care when placing them, do not leave spike-strips unattended anywhere that an unsuspecting civilian may hit them.

Federal Events

Federal Events are the top priority of every officer. When any are in progress, all APD officers must attempt to finish what they are doing as quickly as possible and respond. All officers are required to respond to all federal events for a minimum of two lives.

If you know a Robbery or Prison Break is incoming, do not be afraid to prepare for it. You are allowed to have officers stationed at these locations at any time. However, try to keep camping these areas to a minimum if it means neglecting your other duties and standard patrol.

  • Any legal server spawned event vehicle will require a 1 minute all clear to seize, or 3 minutes of APD control to drive it to the nearest HQ for seizing.
  • Any illegal server spawned event vehicle will require a 1 minute all clear to seize, or 3 minutes of APD control for an LT+ to drive it to the nearest HQ for seizing.

Control is defined as no rebel fighters in the immediate area of the vehicle. If at any point the APD loses control of the vehicle the timer must be restarted.

Evidence Lockup Robberies

APD officers who search Evidence Lockup HEMTTs that have no registered owner may charge the driver for all of its illegal contraband. Anyone found driving the HEMTT will take full responsibility for its components. Upon establishing a one minute all clear at the Evidence Lockup Truck, APD officers (regardless of rank) must immediately drive the Evidence Lockup Truck to the closest HQ. Alternatively if the APD gains control of the vehicle for three minutes any officer may drive the vehicle to the nearest police HQ. The driver may only stop and exit the vehicle to repair. The contents of the vehicle must be seized directly into evidence (no intermediate cop vehicle). After Evidence Lockup is robbed and deemed "All clear" officers must enable the power at the Evidence Lockup.

National APD HQ Robbery

Due to the nature of valuable intelligence inside, the National APD HQ will have slightly different responding policy, listed as following, officers must give a minimum of 2 lives for the main event. In the event that the vault begins to be breached, officers are to give at least an additional 2 lives and securing of the vault will supersede the federal event priority list.

Federal Reserve Robberies

Any civilian or vehicle seen inside the Federal Reserve can be searched. If there is an active Federal Reserve robbery going on, officers may not seize gold bars out of the vehicle unless there is a 1 minute all clear. If the vehicle manages to escape the Federal Reserve and is stopped in route to a rebel outpost, then the officers will have to wait for the one minute all clear call and seize the gold into a police vehicle. If the APD gains control over a vehicle involved in the robbery for three minutes the vehicle may be searched and seized. At 5 minutes to restart officers may search and seize vehicles involved once control of the vehicle is gained. Captains can search and seize vehicles involved in the robbery regardless of combat occurring. This only applies to vehicles that have entered than left the federal reserve.

Altis Shipping Robbery

If the Shipping Robbery Vehicle has been spawned in for 3 minutes without rebels leaving the designated chop shop red zone any APD Officer may enter the driver seat of the vehicle and attempt to drive it to a police HQ for seizing.

Nikolai's Compound

When a SGT+ is online, the highest ranking officer must be the one to authorize a breach into the vault. Due to the small window of the vault being open, this is to ensure any/all officers will have sufficient time to enter.

Officers are allowed only 1 attempt on opening the vault, officers are required to secure the gate on successful or unsuccessful breaching of the vault.

In the event of no SGT+, any officer many authorize a breach into the vault.

Prison Breaks

If a prison break succeeds and any escaped prisoners are detained, they should be sent back to jail to finish their sentence.

Assisting in and initiating a prison break is not an automatic straight to jail charge. Any suspect who initiates and/or participates in breaking people out of prison has the right to explain their charges. This includes anyone with the Prison Break charge.

Gas Mart Robbery

Sgt+ may limit the amount of officers responding to a gas mart robbery effectively allowing other officers to maintain current patrol. If done so, the Sgt+ must respond to the event themselves to ensure that it will be secured.

Response Priority In the rare situation that more than one event is triggered, officers should attempt to respond to these events with the following priority:

  1. Federal Reserve Robbery
  2. Casino Heist
  3. Bank of Altis Robbery
  4. Prison Break

Federal Event Security

When a civilian group succeeds at a federal event they upgrade their security requiring one extra cop to start it. All events have limiters to the minimum amount of cops that are required to make sure these numbers don't climb sky high.

  • Cadets count as 0.5 of a cop required to start a Federal event.

List of the highest reachable numbers

  • Federal reserve - 5 can go up to 8
  • Casino -
  • Bank - 4 can go up to 7
  • Prison - 4 can go up to 7

APD HQ Lockdown

SGT+ will be allowed to deploy SWAT officers to cities/HQ’s during extreme circumstances under the following stipulations:

The highest ranking officer (SGT+) on duty is solely responsible for activating SWAT and will assume command of the entire situation until SWAT is deactivated. Failure of the activating officer to command and direct the entire situation will result in severe repercussions. A set amount of SWAT officers will be deployed depending on civilian count in the cities and must report directly to the SWAT deploying officer as well as adhering to standard SWAT policies. Failure to follow the command and direction of the SWAT activating officer will result in severe repercussions.

The SGT+ may currently authorize SWAT officers for the following situations:

  • HQ Defense (SGT+ Just needs one of the two prerequisites listed below to start the event for this reason)
    • Having a suspect in custody worth 200k+. Can not be used for someone who has turned themselves in.
    • HQ is being actively assaulted by 3+ civilians
  • Riot Control (SGT+ Needs Both prerequisites listed below to start the event for this reason)
    • Any Suspect(s) involved must be using high caliber weapons 6.5+ or explosives
    • Inability to bring stability to a city after 3+ attempts with 5+ suspects identified

Once SWAT is called, a crate of illegal loot will spawn inside of the city and officers will be required to attempt to gain control of that crate once it is unlocked. An LT+ may call for officers to disregard the crate allowing civilians to obtain the crate uncontested from officers. (If a call to disregard the crate is made, a message must be sent to the active captains on why that call was made.)

Once the SWAT activating situation has been handled (per the activating officers discretion) all SWAT officers must be deactivated.


If police are chasing a suspect in a vehicle and they maintain visual on the suspect, they may pursue that suspect anywhere on the map. As soon as visual is lost, officers are restricted to normal patrol policy.

The use of vehicles as stationary blockades is acceptable, however rolling barricades or PIT maneuvers are NOT allowed.

Officers may only ram armored vehicles (Hunter, Strider and Ifrit) against other armored vehicles. The only exception to this is when vehicles are blocking access to Federal Event compounds or Federal Event buildings.

Officers may drive civilian vehicles if the owner of the vehicle gives them permission. If a civilian vehicle is in the way (for example blocking a road or entrance to an area), you are allowed to move it slightly such that it is out of the way without permission.

Officers may move a van which is positioned to compromise the security of an HQ (used to jump into an HQ). The vehicle should be moved to a position nearby that does not threaten the HQs security.,

Illegal Vehicles

Lieutenant+ may repair illegal vehicles and drive them to a secure location.

  • Only LT+ may drive the illegal vehicle.
  • In order to drive the vehicle all occupants must be in custody or lethaled.
  • You may not use the vehicle for armor on armor attacks.
  • You may only defend yourself if you are disabled or flipped.
  • If the vehicle is taken to a location other than a Police HQ the area must be deemed all clear prior to seizing.


The Marshall is a Captain only vehicle. These rules must be followed by officers of all ranks, including Captains.

  • The Marshall may only be pulled during large sustained federal events.
    • Large federal events are defined as events where there is a large rebel presence and even after the APD has made several attempts there has been little to no progress.
      • The only exception to this would be the Mental Asylum. Due to the current state of the Mental Asylum, Captains may pull this vehicle immediately upon responding regardless of rebel count.
    • The Marshall should not be the go to vehicle for every federal event and should only be pulled when absolutely needed.
  • Only SGT+ may drive the Marshall.
    • Captain permission is still required for both LTs and SGTs to drive the vehicle.
  • No more than 2 Marshall's may be pulled for any singular federal event.
  • Due to the armor capabilities of this vehicle, should it be stolen by rebels, it shall become a top priority of the APD to re-secure the vehicle.

Armed Ghost-Hawk

The Armed Ghost-Hawk is a Captain vehicle. These rules must be followed by officers of all ranks.

  • A Captain must be in the helicopter to ensure proper use of the armed Ghost-Hawk.
  • The armed ghost-Hawk shall not be used to land officers into an active firefight.
  • Only one APD controlled Ghost-Hawk may be used at a time.
    • In the event the APD loses control of an armed Ghost-Hawk, another may be dispatched to disable the stolen helicopter.
      • A stolen armed Ghost-Hawk will take priority over everything until it is secured. Once the Ghost-Hawk is secured the Captain may issue one officer to pilot the stolen Ghost-Hawk back to an HQ, no other officers may occupy the Ghost-Hawk's gunner seats at this time.
  • Armed Ghost-Hawks shall only be used if the cops are outnumbered and are repeatedly responding to federal events with no reprieve.


Rules of engagement for Helicopters (Hovering or Flying) are as follows, audible sirens are NOT an acceptable method of initiation for helicopters. Officers of the APD are to initiate with helicopters that are hovering or flying by the following actions ONLY

  1. Text message to any occupants (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Passenger) with instructions
  2. Direct phone call to any occupants (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Passenger)


  • Sirens may ONLY be used when a helicopter is Grounded or Spooling up (starting up)
  • Helicopter in pursuit of helicopter may use sirens to initiate

Warning Shots:

  • When helicopters are flying around outside of the HQ's, warning shots will no longer be an acceptable way to initiate by APD standards.
  • If you wish to shoot at a helicopter outside of an HQ you MUST text any occupant first before shooting.
  • If Helicopters are hovering/flying around at an HQ then officers may use warning shots to deter the heli (still try and text pilot first if possible).
  • If the helicopter does not fly away after given a sufficient amount of time then all officers on scene may attempt to disable the helicopter.

Note: Binoculars can be used to identify "Unknown" players in a helicopter

Combat with Helicopters: Be sure to follow all procedures during combat with another helicopter to avoid breaking server rules and APD procedures.


A minimum of 2 or more officers is required to operate a checkpoint (One at each gate). At least one officer must be a Constable or higher. Must have 5 officers on duty before you start the checkpoint. A marked police car with emergency lights on must be placed at the entrance of each gate.

If you are manning a checkpoint, explain to each civilian that they must consent to their vehicle and person being searched if they want to be allowed through the checkpoint. If they decline, you must send them back the way they came.

A civilian denying a search at a checkpoint does NOT give officers probable cause.

If you see a vehicle purposely going around the checkpoint to avoid it, you gain probable cause. If instead they do a 180 and drive back on the road they came in on, you do NOT gain probable cause.

Checkpoint Barriers, Road Cones, Bar Gates

The usage of Checkpoint placable objects (such as: concrete barriers short & long, road barriers, bar gates, road cones) shall only be used at checkpoints. It is permissible to use these items to create an ad-hoc checkpoint, however usage of these items in any area outside of checkpoints is forbidden.

Mobile HQ

Sgt+ have access to the Mobile HQ vehicle.

  • Only one mobile HQ can be used at any given time.
  • The same seizing/processing policies as a normal HQ will apply.
  • A mobile HQ must be set up 1.5km from any federal event and 1km from any Cartel/Turf/Warlord/Fortress/Illegal Area.
  • Must not be set up inside of a turf, may not be used to attack a turf.
  • If the mobile HQ is used for a Federal Event, it should be impounded when officers are done with the event.
  • May not be sling loaded.

APD/AFD Cooperation

APD/AFD Cooperation

During a Federal Event, any EMT+ who has chosen to assist the APD may join the corresponding APD Federal Event Channel in order to assist.

The EMT+ must follow these rules when joining the APD channels

EMT+ CAN NOT join police channels if they are gang affiliated to the rebels. The EMT+ May still choose to assist the APD without joining their channel. Upon joining the cop channel the medic must change their teamspeak name to indicate they are on medic by putting Medic in parentheses after their name.

Strict Tac-Comms will be enforced.

The Medic(s) can not give callouts of rebel positions, nor assist the officers in any form of transportation until both the event and combat is over.

The EMT+ will Introduce themselves, and let APD personnel know that they will be assisting them for the duration of the event.

The EMT+ may inform officers that they are attempting to revive them, or that they are unable to be revived. Once the fighting has concluded the medic must leave APD channels and return to AFD channels.

Abuse of this policy will result in disciplinary action on both factions up to a blacklist depending on severity.
