Gaming Asylum Wiki

Probable Cause

Probable Cause is justified and reasonable evidence that a person has been committing crimes and/or participating in illegal activities.

Probable Cause gives officers permission to restrain then search the suspect and search any vehicles they have keys for (whether they are the primary owner or not.)

If you do NOT have probable cause, you need the civilian's consent before you can search them and/or their vehicles.

What gives Probable Cause:

  1. Seeing a person or vehicle in an Illegal Area.
  2. Seeing a suspect that is on the wanted list with a bounty of $2,500 or more.
  3. Grand Theft and Attempted Auto Theft charges
  4. A civilian carrying an illegal firearm or driving an illegal vehicle.
  5. Suspect evading arrest.
  6. Witnessing a civilian self-incriminate (admission to possessing contraband, committing a crime, etc.).
  7. Seeing an RV emitting smoke.
  8. Seeing a person purposely off-road and attempt to drive around manned APD checkpoints (doing a 180° turn to avoid a checkpoint is not probable cause).
  9. Someone currently in the process of committing Grand Theft or has committed Grand Theft but has no charges.
  10. Any individual found inside the Federal Reserve.
  11. Off-roading (you are only granted probable cause if they do not give a role play reason as to why they are off-roading).
  12. A civilian who enters a police headquarters of their own free will.
  13. Anyone driving or with keys to the Bank Delivery Mission Camo Hunter

What does NOT give Probable Cause:

  1. Seeing a vehicle on a highway or NEAR an illegal area.
  2. Seeing an RV NOT emitting Smoke
  3. Being told by a civilian that someone else is doing something illegal.
  4. Seeing a civilian across the street from the drug dealer.
  5. Knowing that a civilian has committed crimes in the past.

Grey Areas:

  1. The lists above are not exhaustive and you may run into grey areas. Grey areas must be approached with legitimate role-play.
  2. If you are unsure if you have probable cause, ask a senior officer. If one is unavailable, assume you don’t have probable cause.
  3. Remember: it is always better for one criminal to get away than for officers to overstep their bounds and violate the rights of the citizens of Altis.

Witness Types

Direct Witness

If you witness anything that gives probable cause.

Eye Witness

If a civilian provides intel about a crime, it is difficult to determine the legitimacy of such a claim and does not automatically give probable cause. Therefore, gather as much evidence as possible and move forward.

Relayed Witness

A relayed witness is another officer giving you their first-hand information on a situation. Proceed with Direct Witness at this point.
