Requesting a Trial By Combat
In order for a TBC to take place the following criteria must be met:
- A SGT or higher online approves and oversees the TBC process.
- The civilian requesting the TBC has bounty of $100k or more.
- The civilian requesting the TBC was non-aggressive and non-evasive when entering police custody.
- The civilian requesting the TBC was not known to be aggressive towards cops in the past 60 mins.
- If the SGT+ is present at the Trial, they may agree with the civilian's consent on different terms and conditions of the Trial.
- However, the SGT who approves a TBC may authorize other officers to conduct the TBC without the SGT+ being present. In that situation, the officers are required to adhere to the procedure below.
Conducting a Trial By Combat
- All TBC's must be conducted inside an HQ.
- The officer that the civilian fights must not be a member of their gang, friends or associates.
- No more than 2 civilians (including the civilian requesting the TBC) may be present at the Trial.
- At least 3 officers should be present at the Trial (including the officer fighting.)
- Both the officer and civilian fighting may not wear any clothing or armor.
- Both are armed with only a P07 and one magazine. (The civilian must return the weapon after the Trial is complete.)
- TBC cannot be conducted between two people who are in the same gang/associates/friends/etc.
- If a civilian wins, he or she shall get a full pardon and must return the weapon to the officers.
- If cop wins, the civilian shall receive a full ticket. If the ticket is refused the civilian will be sent to jail.